Check back here after the Full Version of the Pr3ss3D app is released, which will end our current Soft Launch phase.
Current Promotions
Here are the program details of current Pr3ss3D Promotions!
1st Million Subscribers Promotion
Every new subscriber that purchases a Subscriber Subscription of either $2.25\month or $24\year, will recieve the benefits listed in the videos, which are:
A Special Founders Badge - Exclusive to this promotion
Locked In Rates - For both the Subscriber subscription prices, those rates will remain locked in for as long as you have an account with Pr3ss3D.
Value of Subscription During Soft Launch Phase Returned in Pr3ss3D Credit - For however long it takes us to publish the Full Version of the Pr3ss3D app, you will recieve that purchase value in credit on the platform to use in the store or to tip Content Creators.
Additional Terms and Conditions:
Your account must be active and paid throughout the Soft Launch Phase!
Cancelling your account means stopping the billing and ending access to the app. If you suspend, but do not delete your account or are not banned for severe violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, you choose to reactivate your account at a later time. For obvious reasons for this promotion, any person that subscribes and subsequently cancels their subscription, during the Soft Launch Phase, becomes ineligable for this promotion and all of the benefits.
This promotion ends with the end of the Soft Launch Phase
When the Full Version of the Pr3ss3D app is launched, the Soft Launch Phase ends, and so does this promotion, regardless of the number of active subscribers Pr3ss3D has at that time.
Special Conditions for the Subscription Value Credit Payout
The subscription value pay outs begin the next full calendar month AFTER BOTH:
The Soft Launch Phase ends
Pr3ss3D has obtained Two (2) Million Subscribers
This is to ensure we can meet all fiscal obligations of this promotion while able to continue to fund the Platform and Organization.
Founding Content Creator Promotion
Every new subscriber that purchases a Content Creator Subscription of $20\month, will recieve the benefits listed in the videos, which are:
A Special Founders Badge - Exclusive to this promotion
Locked In Rates - For both the Subscriber subscription prices, those rates will remain locked in for as long as you have an account with Pr3ss3D.
$0.10\Subscriber Refered - If you help promote Pr3ss3D to your audience on any or all of your other platforms, or in any other real or virtual setting, let them know to use your Pr3ss3D handle at checkout!
Additional Terms and Conditions:
Your account must be active and paid throughout the Soft Launch Phase!
Cancelling your account means stopping the billing and ending access to the app. If you suspend, but do not delete your account or are not banned for severe violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, you choose to reactivate your account at a later time. For obvious reasons for this promotion, any person that subscribes and subsequently cancels their subscription, during the Soft Launch Phase, becomes ineligable for this promotion and all of the benefits.
This promotion ends with the end of the Soft Launch Phase
When the Full Version of the Pr3ss3D app is launched, the Soft Launch Phase ends, and so does this promotion, regardless of the number of active subscribers Pr3ss3D has at that time.
Special Conditions for the Referred Subscriber Payout
The subscription value pay outs begin the next full calendar month AFTER BOTH:
The Soft Launch Phase ends
Pr3ss3D has obtained Two (2) Million Subscribers
The referred subscriber, keeps their account active and paid for at least 3 months.
This is to ensure we can meet all fiscal obligations of this promotion while able to continue to fund the Platform and Organization.